About Me

Hello there, I'm Sammy

To me, computer is a fascinating invention that is ever happen to humanity. The innovation that sparks the life of programming has taught me to write efficiently and in an orderly manner that make use of the negative space to provide a comfortable reading experience.

Other than focusing on the matter of studying, I also participate in the gaming environment to relax and provide myself some motivations to continue forward.

Science is the embodiment of the universe itself, with chemistry being the building block of science, physics being the fundamental rule of science, and biology being the product of science and emergence, Life itself.

Development of Cytokine

The definition of Cytokine derives from the biological cell signaling molecule in our body, it represents the important connection between country, community and people. The shapes of the simple triangles represents the community or individual we're able to connect with, without involving overcomplicated procedures and steps. Lastly, the general lambda symbol associated with Cytokine represents the half-life that is described as exponential decay of matter, but in this case it's the decay of relationship and partnership due to time, while sounds negative, it taught an important widsom that the decay of communication can be halted by constant interaction, hence reminding us that while disconnection from the node is inevitable, it can be prevented.

Cytokine is first founded around the year 2015 with the name of "Cytokine Innovations" along the tagline "Innovations, Designs, Gaming", but the project is scraped afterwards and was replaced with the current "Cytokine" providing service and entertainment to the gaming community starting from SEA region, aiming to expanding to the entire Asia and even Europe region. Australia region was made possible with the help of ChillyPunch Founder: PepperKick, by partnering with the gaming community in Australia with over top-notch server providing and booking service.

Right now, the available branch of Cytokine were Securities which is a relax gaming community and the hub for entertainment; Syndicate, where competitive gaming enviroment can be experienced in the form of organized PUGS, Scrims or major events; and Lastly the development branch called Framework were new ideas are proposed and tested from the feedbacks of the community.